1st Trimester

Update: Cramping plus Bleeding

I was so upset last night, I was sure I knew what was going on so when I woke up and the cramping had stopped I just sort of shrugged it off.  Got in to the OB at 10:30 with another doctor in the practice and she did the TV ultrasound.  She found the sac right away but it was empty so we started discussing the dates.  She said the sac was measuring just at 6 weeks so it may be too soon to see or I may have stopped progressing at 6 weeks.  I told her the dates I had sex and she said if it is 6 weeks along, the later sex would be the one that took.  It was the day after my first missed period and my first BFN but with me anything is possible.  If that's true, then the cramping and bleeding is the implantation and stretching of the uterus.  So she got a little more earnest with the wand and did a second angle and there, fluttering faintly was a beautiful heartbeat.  She even got the sound of it to come out of the machine and it was truly like music.  It's at 114 which she says is still fine and it will get stronger as I progress.  I'm going in for a second TV US in two weeks to make sure things are progressing the right way. New EDD 7/25/12

She also did my Pap as I have the dreaded abnormal paps, and she said no blood was coming out of the cervix, which is very good.  She said there was a significant amount of left over stuff in the passage which she cleaned up a lot and that I should see the bleeding peter out.  

I feel SOOOO much better.  Thanks for the T and P ladies. 


PS she also said if the first date was accurate with the date I had sex and thought to have o'd it would have been a girl but this new date I had sex will probably lead to a boy.  LOL, my first gender prediction.  (she was joking as she said it so nothing too serious)

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