1st Trimester

Symptoms easing up?

This is probably asked on here a lot, but did any of your first trimester symptoms start to subside at 9 or 10 weeks? I am 11 and a half weeks now, and my boobs were really sore right from the beginning, which is how I figured out I was pregnant, but they stopped being sore one or two weeks ago. They are still huge though, just not painful. The nausea also started subsiding last week when I was at my in-laws' for the holidays and I didn't have to cook anything and I was too busy to focus on being sick. It came back over the weekend, but today it is better. Is it normal for these things to be tapering off now, or is it a bad sign? I keep reading things about blighted ovums so I'm a little bit paranoid. I have also had slight cramping at various times throughout the pregnancy, but no spotting or anything. Thanks!
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