
How much to leave at Daycare

First wanted to say how grateful I am for you ladies.  This board has been so invaluable to making our BF'ing experience a successful one!!

So all along I've been planning on sending four 2.5 oz bottles plus a back up/extra bottle with 2-3 oz to daycare for the first day.  He will be at daycare from 6:45 to 3:15 so around 8.5 hours.

LO will be almost 10 weeks on his first day of daycare and he sleeps a 6 hour stretch followed by a 3 hour stretch and a 2 hour stretch at night.  Then eats every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day.  That means according to magic Kelly Mom formula he should be eating an average of 2.5 oz each time.  We've done several weighed feedings with the LC and he eats between 2.5 and 3 oz.  However, these feedings have always been late in the evening when my supply is lower.  So I'm starting to suspect he's eating closer to 3.5 oz during the day.  He's gained 5 pounds in 2 months, so he is gaining a little more than average. He now weighs around 12.5 pounds.

Should I be sending maybe one 3.5oz, one 3 oz, and two 2.5 oz bottles?  All 3oz bottles? I really don't want him overfed like I know happens a lot with BF babies in daycare, but I also don't want him starving.    Thoughts? Suggestions? 

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