Dads & Dads-to-be

Christmas Gift Question

Okay so my DH wants to know what to get me... Well I have a pandora bracelet and want some new charms for it. I want one for the daughter we have but I also want one for the child we lost. Would it be too much to ask him to get them and to pick them? He had a really hard time since the loss was his first baby, but he is coming around. It would mean a lot to me if he picked them but at the same time I don't want to undue his progress he has made toward moving on... Opinions and thoughts welcome, I just have nothing else I want or need from him for Christmas... 
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
TTC #2 since 2009 Have PCOS two close calls with letrozole and hcg trigger. Hoping 3rd time does the trick... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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