Pregnant after IF

Intro/SCH ladies, please come in (long)

Very much hoping I am here for the long haul!  I know several of you from IF and feel like I know most of you from lurking ;)

Yesterday I had my first u/s at 6w2d - all looked "fantastic" per my RE.  The fetus was measuring at 6w3d and we got to see and hear the hb (120 bpm) - much to our surprise she even sent us on our way to move on to my OB. 

What a difference a day makes.  I've been demoted back to my RE b/c at noon today, I went to the restroom at work to find I was bleeding (mostly brown but a significant amount).  Got into see another RE at my clinic this afternoon and I've been diagnosed with an SCH.  She did not have much to say (or if she did, I was so emotionally all over the place, it didn't register) and I was really hoping my own RE would call me tonight, but she didn't.  

Though relieved to see the pregnancy is still intact, I can't help but worry. 

I've seen SCH mentioned here and there on the board, so I am just wondering if there is anyone else who has any insight or experience they can share?  

Thanks Ladies!! 

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