1st Trimester

5 weeks on Friday

Hello everyone,

I am new to this as this is my first pregnancy. I took 7 HPT to confirm lol ( all positive) . I called my OB/GYN and they had me come in for a blood test ( 11/19/12) It was positive at 25 they had me repeat it two days later and it was 73 so the nurse said everything looks good! I ovulated around 11/8/12 ( OPK and u/s at MD office) I have my first u/s 12/17 at which time i should be almost 8 weeks as my last LMP was 10/26/12. I have been working with my Dr for over a year and TTC for 2 years. I took 150mg of clomid and got a trigger shot and apparently it worked for me. I have Pcos and failed lower doses of Clomid so I did not think this would happen. Wishing postive thoughts to you all and so excited about my journey!

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