1st Trimester

Newbie here.... Recently found out I was pregnant, but bleeding

Hello all. My husband and I have been ttc for about a year now. I started my period on thanksgiving day (nov 22) and I was disappointed. However, it didn't get as heavy as it usually does, so I went to the store and bought a test. Sure enough, when I took the test it came back positive. I got another kind of test and that came back positive too. That instantly made me scared. How could I be bleeding and be pregnant? I called the Dr. on Monday, since they were closed for the holiday. They told me to come in that day, which freaked me out even more. I went in and they confirmed that I was pregnant (pee). My Dr. did an exam and found that the blood vessels by my cervix were inflamed and they were bleeding. He did something to stop them, and said that I should stop bleeding. He said in a day or two, I should bleed dark blood that is old stuff that my body is getting rid of from whatever he did. They sent me to the hospital to get blood drawn. My Dr. made it sound promising that it wasn't anything serious and that he would see me again at 12 weeks. However, when I went to the hospital to get my blood drawn, the nurse said "I work at Dr. B's office, I must of just missed you when you were there." She continued to get her stuff out and before she poked me she said "Sorry for your loss..." I just looked at her. I didn't know what to say. The Dr. sounded promising, but she said that.... So, I was freaking out. I started bleeding again on Tuesday. :( Well this morning I went and got my second blood draw to see if my hcg #'s doubled from monday. They did. On monday they were 326 and today they were 657 ( or close to that). So, they are drawing my blood again on saturday to make sure it keeps going up. However, I'm still bleeding and very nervous about why. Has anyone else heard of bleeding throughout pregnancy? Also, Dr said that I could not have intercourse until I see him at 12 weeks... that's 7 weeks from now! Am I going to have to go this entire pregnancy without intercourse? I'm just confused on what is going on and scared because I don't think it's normal to be bleeding.... it's not a lot of blood, just light, but it's still blood..... :( Any words of encouragement?
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