Pregnant after IF

Hello! And... they want to take me off PIO at 4 weeks!?

Hi Ladies!

Excited to be back here again. Just did an IVF cycle and got my beta back today. I will be 4 weeks tomorrow. My HCG is 87 and my progesterone is 277.

 They told me to STOP the PIO shots?!??! I have never heard of such a thing. Dr. Google isn't even coming up with anything. I feel really freaked out about this. 

 When I was pregnant with my daughter a different doc wanted to take me off at 6 weeks and I insisted on going until 8, then I did suppositories until 10 weeks. I had spotting while on those-- was probably an irritated cervix but still scary. I trust this new doctor a lot more.... I agreed to stop but that they have to check my p4 again on Friday with the 2nd beta.

Thoughts? What would you do? 

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