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His friends/coworkers scare him with advice/information

This is the first child for both of us and my Boyfriend seems to get all kinds of information...and NONE of it good.  Quite honestly it sounds like it scares him some. 

So far about half of what he has heard has been proven false...but last weekend we were talking about the birth.  Apparently his friends have been filling him in how 'ruined' I will be after having a baby.  How sex will never be the my vagina will be 'torn up'  (Nice to hear...THAT ONE also scared ME)

Do men really see women as unattractive / undesirable after giving birth?  Speaking as a guy....was sex really that bad after?    I have asked my sister and a friend...they said my girly-parts will all go back to normal....but now my boyfriend isn't believing that anymore.   Maybe if I can get some info from a few guys on the board I can share it with him and reassure BOTH of us.

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