
Adding some pumping for an ongoing donation

I'm a stay at home mom with plenty in the freezer. There are many days where my DS doesn't empty me in the morning and I had just been dealing with feeling full, but sometimes I'm still full on one side or the other by mid-afternoon. It's not painful or too uncomfortable and I've never had a clogged duct. It's mostly just annoying. 

I was thinking of donating some of the freezer stash since I'm confident in my ability to replace it easily when needed and I found a woman nearby with no supply looking for an ongoing donor. 

Yesterday, I pumped 4 oz after a feed on the side that never quite emptied out. This morning I did the same thing on the other side. It looks like it should be easy enough for me to provide a bottle a day for another baby.

I just want to make sure I'm not going to stimulate an oversupply or cause other problems. DS is nearly 5 months old, so I'm pretty well regulated at this point. If it works out well, I could start drinking the tea I still have (but haven't needed since the first two months) and maybe even provide more.

Does anyone have experience as an ongoing donor? Tips? Advice?  

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