1st Trimester

Movin' on up!

Hi Girls,

Hope you don't mind I will be joining you, we got out first BFP EVER this morning!  A bit of background, my DH and I have been married since Sept 2011 and we've been TTC since November 2011. I had started seeing a OB/GYN in October since I we had nearly been trying a year and I had long cycles ranging from 90 days to 52 days. 

 He put us through all the tests BW, Ultrasound, SA and HSG... our follow up appointment was supposed to be Dec 6 but I don't think we need it now! This "kind of" my first cycle after the HSG (the first cycle after was 18 days which is oddly short... may have been spotting) so maybe that helped clear my tubes, I'm not sure! I called my doc and I have my first appointment Dec 5. 

 I'm soooooo incredibly happy I never thought we could do this on our own and that we would definitely need help from the doc! 

I feel pretty good... a little pukey, headache most of the day and a bit crampy but I don't mind!!!  This is the second best day of my life :) Happy to be here! 

TTC #1 Since Nov 2011 Me - 29, DH - 26 BFP November 28!! My Ovulation Chart BabyFruit Ticker
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