1st Trimester

Need support

Hi Everyone:

This is going to be somewhat confusing, so please bear with me.  I started my last period on September 30th - I was spending the week with my best friend who has cancer, My periods tend to be irregular and crampy and she suggested that I take five of her birth control pills to suppress my period.  I did that and the period was lighter and went away for a couple of days - but then it came back a few days after that.  I didn't tell the ob/gyn today about this because I had forgotten I had done that.  I told her my LMP was Sept 30th which would make me 7 weeks.  But if I did that with the birth control pills, would that make my ovulation later?  I guess that's my first question.

My boyfriend and I knew that we wanted to have a baby pretty soon after we met - we are both older and he has spent most of his life working very hard to sustain his business and now we both thought that it would be nice to have a baby.  So, at around the beginning of this month, we started to have unprotected sex - not necessarily trying to have a baby but not actively preventing it, either.  By November 7th, my period had not come and I took two tests which were both negative.  It still had not come by last week, so i took a test on Thanksgiving which was positive.  So the doctor thinks, based on my LMP that I should be 7 weeks along....today, when I went for my first appointment, she could see the pregnancy sack but no fetal pole or yolk sac. She said that if I an 7 weeks along, then they should see more, but there is a chance that I may only be 5 weeks, in which case, what they saw today is normal.  They rescheduled me for a f/u ultrasound on Monday, which is only four days off.  Will that really make a difference?  Did what I do with the birth control pills at the beginning of October possibly cause me to ovulate later and make the pregnancy earlier than 7 weeks?  i am praying that I am just earlier along than the doctor thought.  I probably should tell her all of this but I was so full of anxiety today.

I also don't feel sick yet -  I was pregnant once before and started to feel sick at around 7-8 weeks.  I do have tender breasts and other unpleasant symptoms.  I am totally freaking out.  To make matters worse, I am under major pressure at my job so this is the WORST time for things to be so uncertain.  I can not express how much I want everything to be okay.  Advice?  i know this is a strange situation - but anyone ever been in a similar situation?

Thanks everyone!

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