
This duct will NOT unclog

My little one is 3 weeks old and I EP. I've had a plugged duct for about 4 days now. The first time I noticed it, I pumped immediately for a good half hour and nothing happened.I tried a heating pad and frequent pumping sessions but I still developed a fever of 99.9. After a hot shower and two tylenol, the fever and pain went away, but the clog did not. Since then, I've tried everything from frequent pumping sessions, a heating pad, hot showers, manual expressions, changing the settings on my pump and nothing is unclogging this thing. For reference I have a Medela PISA. I'm worried that this duct is going to dry up. My supply from the affected breast has dwindled from 3 oz to barely 1.5. and while it's no longer painful, I can still feel the plugged duct. I'm putting in a call to my regular doctor and a lactation consultant tomorrow morning, but any advice is welcome. I tried google, but couldn't find anything about what to do when a duct will not unclog.

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