
Help/Advice needed (x-post in working moms)

I just started back to work this past Monday, my dd is now 14 weeks and up until now has been ebf. We introduced bottles at 6 weeks and she took to them okay (though never loved them). We kept offering her bottles once or twice a week (in retrospect should have done it more I suppose) until Sandy hit, when we lost power (so I couldn't pump and all the bm in the freezer went bad). So she went 2.5 weeks without any bottles. When we reintroduced she refused to eat from them at all, we tried every bottle and every nipple combination on the market, and she refused to eat from any of them. Finally we were able to get her to eat from a large medicine dropper (5 ml). We kept trying with the bottle and finally she begrudgingly took it again. 

Well the past two days I have been working, Monday she ate about 4 ounces from 8 am until 5 pm, and today she only ate 3 ounces. Both last night and tonight I fed her as soon as I walked in the door and last night she ate for 4 hours straight (until 9:15) and then ate again from 10:30 until midnight.

I feed her really well in the morning before I leave (she ate for about 45 minutes this morning before I left) and has eaten again tonight since I got home and looks like she'll keep eating like she did last night.

Is this okay? For her to basically hunger strike all day and then cluster feed all evening? I am still pumping during the day at work, so my supply shouldn't be affected, but I am worried about what the impact will be on her weight (she is already on the small side in the 19th percentile for weight). 

What should I do? Any advice is appreciated!

P.S. I work too far away to come home to feed her on breaks, and DH works from home & takes care of her so he can't bring her to work for her to eat during the day either. 

TTC since July 2009 ^Rosemary^ May 7, 2010 Holding my rainbow, Beatrix, since August 21, 2012
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