
Any experiences?

So I'm trying this board for the first time.  I'm a desperate girl...

Quick background, my LO was never a good latcher...even the LC in the hospital was surprised that she just wouldn't do it and said I should pump while she was learning.  Well, it was so bad with her not getting it (45 minutes of trying, getting nowhere and having to start all over 20 minutes later) that I finally said I'll just continue to pump it all out since I was told I had so much supply I'd have to do it anyway, plus my sanity was worth something.  We were giving her a bit of formula anyway here and there because she's such an eager eater.  

It's been fine until right before Thanksgiving I developed a pretty bad lump the size of a quarter and it's pretty hard.  I had clogs before but after a compress and massage it went away.  So I did that again but all I seemed to do is nearly burn my skin and bruise my boob so bad it aches.  The lump might get smaller but never fully goes away.  I called the doctor Friday and the on-call doc said to keep doing what I was and see how it goes since I didn't have any other symptoms of mastitis.  

Today I called the office again because a week later it's the same thing.  Now when the boobs fill up it's very painful until I empty them and my lumpy one is nearly on fire.  Of course my OB is off this week, but I was told to check in later in the week and he'll call me Monday if it's still there---which it will be I'm sure.  I have my 6 week pp appt next Thursday, so she doesn't think it's a horrible thing to wait until then to get it checked if I still don't have other symptoms.

I'm fine with waiting, but anyone else ever get this bad?  What ended up happening?  I have this horrible feeling they're going to have to drain it.  The other part of me wonders if it's a cyst but probably not because I have gotten it to shrink.  I'm just in such pain with it that I can barely bring myself to keep massaging it when it's getting me nowhere.

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