Pregnant after IF

Graduation Day!

I have officially graduated from my RE! Now it's onto my regular OB. I'm 8 weeks today. Twins were looking good. We got to see little hands and feet starting. Both heart beats were at 158. Baby A measured 8w2d and Baby B 8w exactly. One minor concern was that one of the babies has a low lying placenta. This is putting me at risk for placenta previa. Something we'll keep an eye on as the babies and I continue to grow. Now just another two weeks until I see the regular OB.
Sarah (30) & Mark (33) Married 6/23/07 TTC 5 years
Many cycles of clomid Too many doctor visits/tests to count IVF #1 (fresh cycle): Oct 2011 Nov 26, 2011: BFP (!) December 18, 2011: MC
IVF #2 (frozen cycle): March 2012 April 12, 2012: BFN
Laparoscopy: June 21, 2012
IVF #3: October 2012 Scheduled ER: Oct 16, 2012 5 day Transfer: Oct 21, 2012 Pregnancy Test: Nov 2, 2012 BFP!! 1st U/S Nov 20, 2012
TWINS!!! EDD 7-9-13
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