
Come on boob juice, do your thing!!

DS1 had a cold last week and passed it to DS2....who has now been diagnosed with RSV. DH took them both to the doctor yesterday b/c DS1 has an ear infection and DS2 started with the chest congestion which is when they discovered it was RSV. It was mild yesterday, but I have a feeling we discovered it before it got too bad. He is on breathing treatments and we are doing all the other typical cold stuff (elevated head of the crib, steamy showers, cold mist humidifier, vicks on feet, saline and bulb suction). I just have a feeling he will get worse before he gets better. Now I am hoping and praying that my body is doing what its supposed to be doing and can help him get over this faster with the antibodies in BM. UGH. I hate lung issues in such little babies. :(
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