Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Giveaway! Disney Baby Store Gift Bag

From now until midnight on Friday, November 30, we'll be giving away one gift bag from Disney Baby (a $225 value!).


This adorable Disney Baby goody bag is stuffed with a Winnie the Pooh quilt and plush, Mickey and Minnie bodysuits and shoes, and a Disney Baby pop-up card!

To read the official rules, click here.




To enter this giveaway, reply to this post with one word that works off of the previous word. The idea is that all the replies will form a "sentence" from each other. For example, if the poster before you wrote "The," you might respond with "baby," and the person after you might write "slept," and so on. You can post as many times as you want -- in fact, posting more is encouraged because it will increase your chances of winning.


Want to enter this giveaway but not a member of yet? Make an account here. 


Good luck!

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