Dads & Dads-to-be

Baby's Got a Cold!!

So here in Milwaukee winter is really starting to kick in. Now that daycare is a part of everyday life for my family, the combination of the two leads to a cold for our son.

It is his first, and while he is the trooper he normally is, he is certainly not himself.  He is sleeping more, eating less, sneezing, coughing, and snot is flowing all day long! We are entering day 4 this morning.

Outside of using the nasal aspirator on him, we aren't really doing much of anything else outside of checking his temp, which is fine. We are probably more bothered about it than he is!

Any suggestions from you dads on how you deal with the dreaded cold?  We have the Vick's warm steam humidifier in his room, but he is very congested right now even with that.

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