1st Trimester


Not sure if it is customary to intro yourself each time you want to join a new board but I figured why not? I've posted a bit on TTC after 35 and Pregnant after 35, and just started reading threads here. We had a surprise BFP last week. While we weren't exactly not trying to not get pregnant, we had sort of agreed to wait until after the New Year and our Health Insurance was straightened out (human resource glitch on paperwork after we got married so I'm not able to be enrolled til Dec). Due to my age, I didn't think it would happen so quick, and I am cautiously optimistic that this baby sticks around! 

 Anyway, really hoping it is a Happy and Healthy 9 months for all of us, and looking forward to reading about milestones and all the things that come with 1st trimesters! 

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