
Do soft, flaccid breasts = supply issue?

My baby just turned a week old and my milk came in a few days ago. Up until today I noticed I went through cycles where my breasts would become very firm, full and uncomfortable to the point where I?d have to pump a bit to relieve the discomfort before latching baby. Then this past evening it seems like my breasts aren?t ?filling up? and becoming firm prior to feedings as in the past few days.

My baby is feeding longer and more frequently. So I?m not sure if my flaccid breasts are due to the frequency and length of feeds OR if the baby?s frequent need to eat is b/c my supply is going down? He had his weigh in with the peds yesterday and is gaining which is reassuring. But the issue with having deflated breasts didn?t start until today. So does this sound like I have a supply issue?Help!

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