New York Babies

Doctor who can refer the Harmony test in NYC

I am uninsured at the moment and will do most of my prenatal care in Europe where I am from and can get it for free. But the Harmony screening test is not done in my country so I want to have it done in January in NYC (when I will be in week 13). Does anyone know of a Doctor who can do a simple referal to this test?

I talked to the company behind Harmony and they said they can't help with that. I have to find a doctor who will simply call a number and order the necessary forms that will be filled out. The blood test can then be taken in a local lab, but they will not do this if I don't have a doctor doing the forms first.

I have decided on the Harmony test rather than the Maternit21 because the cost for us paying cash is $800 instead of $1900. Now all I need is an appointment with a doctor who preferably doesn't insist on the regular pregnancy check up which would be another $1000 (where I have asked). 

Anywhere in NYC or even parts of New Jersey that is close by will work even tho I am located in Manhattan.


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