
Freezer stash, pumping, am I done?

I can pump at work until January, but will basically be done at Christmas break just because it's a logical stopping point.  I plan to nurse DD over break and still give her BM bottles at daycare.  I have a huge stash that will last several months of daycare feedings (I've been rotating it so it's from June at this point). 

 I don't know that I have a question, but I am feeling very nostagic and a little sad that our nursing days are ending.  I plan to continue nursing morning and evening whenever she wants.  As much as I would love to STTN, she occassionally wakes and wants to nurse which I don't discourage yet.  I am kind of wondering if I should be in case my milk dries up when I stop pumping at work. 

 Also wondering how weekends will work if she is use to 3 bottles (or sippies) at daycare and I stop pumping (or drop a pump) now because I have plenty of milk saved.  I only pump twice and it's a pain, but I was planning on continuing with one pump per day as long as she is interested on the weekends.  Is that silly?  I figure then she can get a midday snack at home and we'll move her to a sippy cup the other times.

This is a time when I really wish I was a SAHM so I could just let her decide when we are done during the day.  Boo.  I guess I'm having a bit of a confused pitty party over here... Thanks for listening and I appreciate feedback from those that have BTDT.

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