
I think I get it now...

All of the grandmothers and elderly in our family think I am strange for BF past 6 months.  They ask questions like "Is LO still interested in his milk?", "Does he still WANT to nurse?".  At first, it blew my mind.  To me, formula smells and tastes nasty.  Why would a baby want formula over sweet tasting breast milk? 

Now that DS is 8 months old, nursing him is just as much a chore as it was when he had a horrible latch at 2 weeks.  I have to be in a dark room with no noise or distractions for him to get a good feed.  I think he would crawl and eat if it were possible.  We are on the go people so this is tough!   

Now I understand why "back then" they thought babies were not interested after about 6 months...

No reason for this post... just an interesting observation.  Or maybe I am totally wrong! 

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