Single Parents

I just broke up with my bf

I'm 14 weeks now, I'm not sure if I'm ready t be a single mom yet. My bf and i were decided to keep the baby. Recently he told me he wasn't ready to be a dad and he said he can't afford it and does't want to ruin the future by having a baby. Then he is trying to convince me to do the abortion. I can't do it, I love the baby and I still love me. He told me he wants us together just me and him but not with the baby. Then he said he wants a break right now, I cry everyday and night till I fall asleep and i woke i cry about that again, I don't know what to do anymore and how can I convince him to make him want the baby and me in his life again. But he was crying in front of me says he loves me but he can't do it:(
Pulpit rockBabyName Ticker
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