
4 1/2 month not gaining - Ped is concerned

My DS is BF mostly and had formula to supplement. He was 7lbs 8oz when he was born and left the hospital at 6lbs 13oz. He is now 19 weeks old today and weighs 12lbs .8oz. His Ped is concerned and said that he isn't getting enough to eat. So I was told that he needs to be getting 30-32 oz of BM/Formula in a 24 hr period and he needs to be eating solids 3 times a day. I am trying hard not to worry, but the Ped said that he looks great in everything else. He is hitting all milestones, is very happy and content, just too small for his age. I was told that after nursing that also need to give him a bottle of BM or Formula to make sure he is getting enough. He has atleast 6 wet diapers a day and poops at least once every two days. So I have decided that since I can't "count" his nursing sessions in with his daily oz, that I am going to exclusively pump for a while until this is under control. My schedule is going to be to pump at 6:45am, 9:00am, 11:20 am, 1:40pm, 4:00pm, 6:20pm, 8:40pm, & 11:00pm. Do you think this will be enough to up my supply?? I don't know how much I am getting in a full day because I have never exclusively pumped before?? I am taking Fenugreek also. Any advice would be helpful and please no mean or stabbing comments, I am honestly trying to have a happy and healthy baby.  - Stressed out mom! 
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