1st Trimester

This "WAITING game" sucks!

Some of you probably have been reading my posts about how I went last Friday for my first OB appt and she ordered an ultrasound because I have been having twinges of pain off and on the right side, they found nothing in the uterus (that day I was told i was 6 wk 3 days) but found a big right sided cyst with something hanging off the right ovary and was telling me I could have a possible ectopic.  So I go that day for my hcg levels, in the 400's, then Sunday had another draw, levels in the 800s.  Doc is having them drawn again Monday and if high enough is doing another ultrasound to see if anything shows up in the uterus.  Im going NUTS! Just waiting..worrying, wondering. etc!  I should be 7 wks 2 days today according to my LMP.  Some of you ladies have mentioned that I probably ovulated later which makes sense.  I don't do any charting or anything so I have no clue but I just can't wait until Monday to see what happens! It sucks so bad, having had 5 positive pregnancy tests (3 home, 1 doc and 1 hospital)
Cheryl (25) Andy (24) Newlyweds as of 8-17-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker pregnancy week by week
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