
Recovery/Help Needed Questions

Baby is still breech and we're trying a version this week but looks like I may be having my first c-section.

My Mom keeps asking what kind of help I need/if/when I want her to come, etc. I have no idea what to say. What kind of help did you need post-c-section and WHEN  was it most helpful? I.e. right away, few weeks later? If this is a normal vaginal delivery again I figured we'd be fine for the first couple weeks, and then have a little extra help during Christmas week. But if it's a c-section, am I really going to want/need help during the first week or so at home? We have 2 others kids--have to clarify with DH how much he will be around, but we do have a nanny who will come M-F 10 to 6 or so.

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