1st Trimester


Well I'm having trouble sleeping after yesterday's events so I may as well write this out.

First off, thank you to everyone who posted their love and support yesterday in my time of need.

As some of you know, yesterday I went for my 12 week appointment and the doctor was having trouble finding a HB on Doppler. I was rushed to the nearest hospital/us over 3 hours away living in a very isolated location so that they could confirm. Sadly the u/s revealed that our baby's heart stopped at around 78 weeks. The cruel part being that none of the symptoms had ever stopped, my placenta is still chugging away, and even my uterus is measuring the right size for 12 weeks. The baby was perfectly formed, no defects, implanted in the ideal location, and just...stopped.

I'll be spending my day today making painful phone calls including one to my gyno to find out if he'd like me to stay here, take a prescription, and try to pass naturally. Or if he'll want me to drive the 18 hours back into civilization so he can preform a dnc.

In the spirit of trying to be positive, this experience really showed me and my SO how ready we are to start having a family and how much we wanted this so we've agreed to start trying soon when we're cleared of course. Hopefully I'll be back soon.

Happy and healthy 9 months
BFP 9/28/2012 - EDD 6/3/2013 - MMC discovered 11/21/2012 @ 12w2d - D&C 11/24/2012
**PGAL/PAL Welcome**
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