
Could my baby be sensitive to dairy?

I'm starting to contemplate going dairy free.  My baby is 6 weeks old and breastfeeding is going well.  However, I'm noticing that in the past week, all of her number 2s have been dark green--not a yellow one that I can remember recently.  i wouldn't say they're frothy or mucusy, just dark green.  My other concern is her skin.  I know baby acne is normal, but she seriously looks like the before pictures of a Proactiv commercial.  Its all red and bumpy on her neck too.  She's eating well and gaining.  She's not spitting up frequently.  She's cranky at night and sometimes will fight the boob, but nothing that I think is unusual for a baby her age.  It's basically the poop and the acne/maybe it's a rash.  Her next doctor's appointment is December 10th and my husband thinks we should just wait.  Maybe now is the time for me to admit a very serious chocolate addiction.  Any thoughts or similar stories?
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