
Updated: Just left the dr; I feel like a failure

So little man has fallen into the 10th for height and weight. He was in the 50. The dr is really pushing for solids and wants us to do rice cereal for a few days then head to meat for the protein. I just feel like crap and that my BM isn't enough for him.
I feed him on demand so I always thought he was getting enough. I just feel like I've been starving him.

Update: thanks ladies. He always seems happy and full after nursing. He is happy, smiling, babbling, meeting milestones. He's been eating 4 oz bottles and seems fine with that but I think in going to bump that up to 5 oz. The dr wants us to do rice first because little man has some eczema. So just to look out for allergies. I got some brown rice to try for just 3 to 4 days then I'm heading to avocados or sweet potatoes. Just something high in fat/protein. Thanks for all your support.

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BFP #1 12.5.07 DD born 8.6.08
BFP #2 6.18.11 M/C 6.26.11 @ 4w 5d
BFP #3 9.15.11 DS born 5.21.12
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