
One-week post-surgery update

I had a fibroid removal surgery a week ago, and I was terrified of what it would do to my supply and breastfeeding....

All those worries were for nothing!  My supply did take a temporary hit for a few days (I was pumping on Thursday and Friday while LO was at daycare), but it has since rebounded and then some - I think because LO has been waking more at night; I'm pretty sure it's a growth spurt.  

Nursing was a challenge for a few days with finding a comfortable position for both of us - side lying with a pillow over my sore spots worked best. 

I think I might make DH bring baby to me for middle of the night feedings for a while longer...not having to get out of bed is nice! (I can't pick her up yet). 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
? BFP 11/20/10 hb 12/14/10 natural m/c 12/25/10 at 8w3d ?

? BFP 9/18/11 DD born 5/17/12 at 38w3d ?

Fateful appt. 2/11: Saline sono - polyp; thyroid nodule; mycoplasma/ureaplasma STD found & treated ? 3/17/11: Hysteroscopy to remove polyp ? Total thyroidectomy (papillary carcinoma) 4/4/11; RAI 5/9/11
Cancer killed! 5/19/11
Medical green-light to TTC 8/15/11..BFP 9/18/11! <a href=" images/?action=view
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