
Not sure what to do next.

I was told last week I had thrush and given apno and told pump for 24 hours. DD had no signs of it. Used the cream and put her back on 24 hours later. The next day I wake up with horrible burning nipples. I can't even keep her on its so bad. I call my Doctor again and they tell me I probably had an allergy to something in the cream. I should scrub nipples with unscented soap and they put me on diflucan. They say wait another 24 hours and pump and then try again. This was Monday. It's now Wednesday morning and I wanted to put DD back on but my nipples are still burning so I'm pumping again. I did buy earth mama nipple cream without the lanolin but have only used it once so I don't know if its helping. I'm very frustrated and want to go back to breastfeeding ASAP. Anyone experience this or have advice. TIA.
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