
Am I overreacting?

Little man is 6mo and we plan to start solids on Thanksgiving. DH feeds him 4oz at 8a, 11a, 2p and 4p fairly consistently. He goes to an in home daycare once per week for the past month. The first week she fed 20oz in 9 hours, so I've been sending premade bottles.

Today I BF at 7:45a. She gave him 4oz at 9a, 12p and 2p. She said he was still "starving" at 3p and gave him 2oz of water! She didn't even call me to ask if it was ok. I was actually done with work and taking an hour for myself and would have just picked him up early.

I'm upset she did that without asking. I know water here and there won't hurt him, especially since we'll start some sips with solids. Am I over reacting?
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