Pregnant after IF

I'm still in shock...

I'm not sure when this is going to sink in fully, but my husband and I got our very first BFP this morning after two years of trying! This was our first cycle trying injects and I still can't believe that it worked! Our first beta this morning came back at 167 and I'll go back on Friday for a second test.

 I am so excited to join this board and hope to stay for the long term!


TTC since October 2010 Dx with PCOS
Six months of Metformin=BFN, Six rounds of Clomid=BFN
October 2012: Follistim, Ovidrel and 1500MG Metformin = BFP!
11/20/2012: Beta #1- 176! 11/23/2012: Beta #2- 738!
BabyFruit Ticker
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