Pregnant after IF

2nd u/s today--not what we expected (long)

So MH and I met at the RE's office for u/s #2.  Baby had a HB of 129 and measured 6 wks 4 days and looked so big compared to our last picture! 

Then the tech went to look at my "probable bleed"...which was GONE!  WOOHOO

And instead found a second heartbeat!! Indifferent

Now the nurse and tech did caution us that the second sac/baby was mearing small (6w0d) and they like measuring to be within 3-4 days of where I am (7 wks) and the heartbeat is a tad under the 120 they like to see at 114, but as of right now I'm "diagnosed" as a twin pregnancy.  The tech said she would have bet large amounts of money and NOT seeing a second baby....and smiled as she told us she would have lost it all.  Wink  Any twin mamas have babies measure behind/small???

At this point we wait and see--they said it could be a late implanter, just always measure small, or of course, stop developing etc.  Next (and hopefully last U/S with the RE) is next week and they said we'll be able to have a clearer picture, but until then we are cautiously optimistic!

We have even more to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and even more to pray for!



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