
Does thrush hurt constantly?

Excuse my ticker, I am mobile bumping. LO will be a month old on Friday.

I do not notice a difference in the appearance of my nipples/breasts or any white spots in LOs mouth the roof of her mouth/gums are somewhat whiteish but I think it's normal. However, I get a horrible burning/pulling sensation deep in the breast tissue and pain in the nipple. It happens more on the right breast but does happen in both.

The problem is, the pain isn't consistent. Yesterday the feedings were fine, but the last couple evening feedings were painful on the right. It got worse, and by the motn feeding I was in tears the whole feeding from the pain. The pain lasted hours after in both breasts and I couldn't sleep.

Today the feeding has still been painful on the left, but not as bad. I'm terrified to feed on the right, but need to in a few minutes.

Could this be thrush? But if so, wouldn't it hurt every feeding? This has been on and off for weeks. What else could the problem be? I can't keep dealing with these painful feedings.
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TTC since Feb 2010
?BFP #1- 7.03.10 Missed MC, d&c 8.9.10 (10 wks)?
?BFP #2- 12.16.10 Natural MC 12.25.10 (6 wks)?
?BFP #3- 2.19.12- Welcome baby girl! (Oct 26, 2012) ?
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