Pregnant after IF

I got a + !!!!!!!!!! :)

Hi ladies!

I am in shock right... excited and nervous! :)  It took several IVF cycles before we were blessed with our twin girls who are now two.  Since then we were trying for another and not having any luck, each try failed until just now.  I had a FET on 11/8, we decided to transfer our two blasts that were left because this was our last chance and if this did not work, we were done trying.  I just found out this cycle has worked.  My level is 691 and go back on Monday to make sure my levels are rising ok.  I am so shocked we got this far again, I didn't know if we would... I am nervous because I know its still early and there is no guarantee but for the moment I am smiling and so happy! :)  Hope to be sticking around!

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