
Need help with new ideas for increasing supply (long sorry)

We have had to supplement DD since she was born. After a few weeks we were down to supplementing with 4oz of BM and I had a short supply dip and increased that to 5oz after a couple weeks of very low weight gain.  To get the 5oz I pumped after all daytime feeds. 

A few weeks after that and she was up to gaining about 3/4 of an ounce a day (an all time high for her!).  I had just rented a scale so we could start weaning off the supplements when I had another supply dip and she stopped gaining weight again.  Ended up increasing her supplements to 7 oz a day and that seemed to help.  Adding a pump after the night feeds got me the extra 2oz to be able to continue with BM.

 Now I'm back at work and yesterday pumped 8oz over 4 pumping sessions ( i would like to send 4 3oz bottles with her to daycare).  I really don't think I will be able to continue pumping 4x a day or at night and be productive at work but I am out of ideas to increase my supply.  I power pump a few times a week, take 12 Fenugreek a day, and wake her once over night to get an extra nursing session in.  The standard of nurse/pump more just doesn't seem to work for me.  My whole maternity leave I nursed every 2 hours during the day and left one gap at night that would give me 4 hours of sleep and another 3 hour gap for a nap or if she was deep asleep.

 I think i'm eating plenty because I have not lost any weight since the initial loss after coming home from the hospital and I always have water around to drink when I'm thirsty.

DD already doesn't like nursing much in the evening because the milk flow/quantity is so much lower and she gets frustrated.  I am worried that she is going to get a strong preference for the bottles and not want to nurse anymore.  There are already some evenings where I have to give her a small bottle in order to get her to latch and then more after she is done.  I think this is probably frustrating to her also.

Any ideas for things I haven't tried?

Also, when pumping at work is it better to pump at a set time everyday or base it off the last nursing session in the morning? Would one be better for my supply?


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