New Jersey Babies

Maternity Leave question...kinda long sorry

Hello Ladies, I know this question has prob come up before but I just wanted to explain my issue and see if I have everything straight or am I missing something HR seems to be a little sketchy with time off.

So I contacted HR to find you what the ML policy was the person told me that our company gives you 6wks leave and if I wanted more time I would have to get permission from my Mgr. (our HQ is based in Utah) and the ML pays at their sicktime rate (of which I never really understood, DH thinks its illegal)... see below

Sick pay is as follows:   one year of service ? up to two weeks at ? pay, three years of service ? up to four weeks at ? pay, five or more years of service ? up to six weeks at ? pay.


So I have only been with the company for a over a year by the time I would deliver it would be 2yrs. I do not quailfy for FMLA because I work in one of there sales offices so less then 50 employees in the office. So I was going to save all of my vacation time and personal days up till that point assuming I would have to wait until the very very end. OK so here is my break down do I have everything straight.


Company ML 6wks (4wks paid) followed by 12weeks(6wks paid) of NJ Paid Family Leave for a total of 18 weeks leave roughly I missing anything does anyone know of any other way besides FMLA I can get paid time off?? I was a little bummed I didnt realize I didnt quailify for FLMA I was looking forward to spending  almost 6 months home with my baby oh well I should not complain with 4m I guess.


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