
Intro? A bit long, sorry.

Hello! I am not sure if people do intros on this board! I just found you. I could have been learning from you all for weeks now! I was on my BMB (Sept 2012 mom) and pregnant > 35 throughout my pregnancy. I had my first baby on Sept 17, a 9 lb 5 oz  girl we named Finley. We had a rocky road BFing at first, Thrush, oversupply, sharp shooting pains in one nipple/breast, horrifically sore nipples. Got treated for all of that and the last five weeks or so, BF has been great and is now. I am now only able to get a tiny bit of milk with my manual pump, so I am renting a hospital pump starting this week. Our insurance covers rental but not purchase (oddly enough). The biggest challenge I have with BFing now is when I go out or want to go out. Since my freezer stash is down to about 15 oz, I don't really want to use any of it to have a bottle when I go out. So I have been faced with the challenge of BFing in public. I'm awkward with the cover and sometimes there is just no good place to nurse her. The pump will help a lot and I hope I can build up a nice stash again. I'm learning from your posts and happy to be here!
Married August 14, 2011 Gave birth to our beautiful baby girl on September 17, 2012
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