Pregnant after IF


OMG OMG OMG!  After 2 years of posting on here, 12 failed IUIs, a failed fresh IVF and a failed FET, fresh IVF #2 has yielded our very first BFP I cannot belive I am actually writing this!  My beta was this morning, it came back at 49.6 - I am currently 12 days past a 2day transfer of IVF (retrieval was 11/6 - transfer was 11/8).  What have your ladies' first betas been when maintaining a successful pregnancy?  I go back in on Friday and Monday for bloodwork and they want to see this number doubling so am still feeling nervous....I honestly chalked this cycle up as a negative because only 5 eggs were retrieved - 4 were mature and 2 fertilized - they transferred the 2 on day 2 (which I never heard of a 2 day transfer until now) - one was a 2 cell grade 1, the other a 2 cell grade 2.  My first fresh IVF in July yielded 15 retrieved - 12 mature - 9 fertilized with ICSI.   The transferred two 8 celled grade 1 and 2 embies on day 3 it didn't take - we did a FET in August with the 3 eggs leftover - all 3 survived the thaw - two were a 6 cell grade 2, 1 was a 5 cell grade 2 - this also did not take - I am 32 with no issues at all, we are dealing with severe MFI (low sperm count).  So after the first 2 cycles failed our docs wanted to go all in - I had a D&C in September my doc said after 2 years of treatments I may need a 'spring cleaning" even though my uterus looked fine on the hysteroscopy and ultrasound.  Also this time in addition to ICSI we did PICSI, assisted hatching and coculture.  I am thinking a combination of all this did the trick!  I know we are not out of the woods yet but have never gotten to this point and it feels amazing!  Thank you all for your love, support and responses to all of my posts over the last 2 years!!!!!! :)  WOW
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