
Nursing while pregnant with #2

Hello there!

 I haven't frequented this board much at all, because I have luckily had little to no issues while BF my now 8.5 month old. I am not positive yet, but there is a very strong likelihood that I am now pregnant again.

My only concern/fear about this 2nd pregnancy, which would be very welcome, would be the possible negative impact it could have on my milk supply. I haven't had any issues with supply so far, but my friend conceived when her 1st was 9 months and her supply all but dried up within two months.

What tips do you have that I could maybe start on now to hopefully be able to nurse to at least a year. My plan is to nurse for a year, and then wean her slowly. I would definitely want to be done before the baby was born.

 Also, I have read up quite a bit on nursing while pregnant, and the only possible concerns I saw were with uterine cramping. I had a bleeding scare at 30 wks with DD1, and ended up hospitalized and on bedrest for 3 weeks. They never found the cause of it, but I am thinking my OB might bring it up as a concern if I continue to nurse. Any suggestions for this?

 TIA! I really appreciate it! 

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