1st Trimester

How I told the DH

So yesterday we got our latest HCG level test results. Last thursday it was 12.8 and yesterday it was 171! (Mon) Since the DH was thinking it was iffy, I knew he needed to see a higher number before he would take it in. So yesterday I bought the diaper bag I wanted (Craigslist-Petunia Pickle Botttom Boxy backpack) and loaded it up with a pack of diapers. When he got home from work I handed him the bag and told him to look inside. Sitting on top of the diapers was the test results from my blood test! I told him to get used to carrying it because we were having a baby! I started crying and he smiled so big I thought his cheeks were going to burst! Best day ever!
My hubby and I have been together almost 5 years and married 3 last Dec. DH is normal (high count and high motility) . I have PCOS and annovulatory hypothalamus. Been trying for a baby for 3 years. TI on Clomid in July and Aug 2012, and missed Sep due to irregular cycle. Started clomid again in Oct 2012 w/ovidrel trigger and IUI #1 on 11/1/12. 11/17/12 BFP. M/C at 9 wks 12/20/12 Switched to Letrozole 2/23/12 trigger and IUI #2! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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