1st Trimester

nearly twelve weeks and stupidly clingy

i'm nearly twelve weeks and i can't stand being away from my partner i hate him going to work i hate him even poping out to the shops he lives and hour and a half away from me at least he comes over every weekend but i hate being away from him we lived together from the begining of ou relationship until about a month ago when my parents kicked him out and he had to move to his dads :( i just need  him close i need to be held and comforted i just feel so vounrable and scared about everything i also hate him talking to one particular girl who i couldn't stand before i got pregnant but i cant ask him to stop seeing her even though all she does is tell him i'm a b@#ch and a sl*t and says i'm going to be a bad parent! she even messages me to say i need to get over myself she's been further gone than me pregnancy wise and she lost hers so i need to stop acting like i already have a baby! which really hurts as i have also had a miscarage but i'm alot further gone this time i've been terrified about losing this one and she just makes it worse :( but he said if he had to make the choice his choice would be her because she's his best friend :( don't know what to do :'(
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