1st Trimester

questions from a newbie

Hi ladies! I've been a silent observer for a few days you all seem like a great support system so I thought I would ask my questions. I got my bfp Thursday and had an ultrasound this morning. I am a little panicked. The gestational sac is there but its empty. I had my hcg levels drawn they were at 2258 which doesnt mean much to me as I've never had my hcg tested before. My periods are pretty irregular, my last period was October 2. I have a 3 year old son and my first ultrasound with him everything was perfect so its jarring when you are expecting to go in and see a fetus and you just see a sac. I have had 2 miscarriages but never got to the point that I had an us. So ladies, I guess I'm just looking for experiences or knowledge. Should I be concerned? Does this sound normal? I'm praying hard for a sticky baby. Thanks ladies. I appreciate this more than you know.
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