1st Trimester


FINALLY I get to join you all again!! Found out just a couple of minutes ago that we are expecting number 2!! I still can't believe it! Won't really be official for me until I get that beta and see the heart beat.. but no reason not to celebrate! This was only our first month trying, and I am joining you a little late. (Due date July 13th). I had taken like 10 tests because I was just SURE I had timed it all right and I felt off and nope. All negative. I even had an appointment with my doc because my internist said I maybe had a cyst when I was having pain. I was so upset that I would have to go through something like this when we were finally ready to be pregnant so out of stubbornness I took another test and bam!! Instantly positive!!


Congrats to all of us and a H&H 9 months!!!!!

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