Pregnant after IF

Seeking realism (and hope)

Hello ladies,

I'd love to join you all soon.  ER was yesterday - 9 retrieved despite a bagillion (well, 29) measurable follies in u/s.  Of those 9, 4 fertilized.  And we're doing PGD.  I'm hoping 1 of those little embies (well, not even embies yet, just cells) is the beginning of our rainbow, but am looking for some realism here.

Any ladies with low(ish) numbers, PGD, and success or should I prepare myself for another round of IVF in the near future?  


Natural m/c Oct. 2005
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12 ----> EDD 10/31/12 ----> natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
And we're on to IVF, BCPs starting 10/17, stims 11/7: Lupron, Gonal F ---> too high estrogen, coasted for a few days then added 2 doses of Ganirelix; lots of measurable follies; 9R, 5M, 4F, 1 passed PGD, 1 3B blast transferred 11/23; PIO til ET, then PIO and Endometrin BID; +HPT 12/2 (9dp5dt), Beta #1 12/3 297, Beta #2 12/5 739/progesterone 69, Beta #3 12/12 ___

All welcome
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