1st Trimester

I feel so fat...

I know it's normal to show earlier with your 2nd but I seriously just feel fat.  I'm only 10 weeks, almost none of my pants fit, and today this lady at my work was staring at my belly - I'm like 'hello!' - like I don't already know there's a blub there.  Tiny baby, small roll forming..

With my M/S I just want/need to eat carbs to feel better...  I'm trying to watch portion sizes - I went a little crazy for a few weeks.  Now I feel I've got it under control.

With DS I didn't worry at all about weight - I BF and lost all the baby weight plus about 10 lbs!!!  I'm just worried with this one for some reason it might be harder to get it off - I"m a few yrs older, slower metabolism, working more, etc.

Dh is like, 'you're pregnant, not fat!  it's good to be a little 'round' - thanks!  lol

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