1st Trimester

13 weeks with right and left ovarian pain????

Hello ladies,

Well I just turned 13 weeks a couple of days ago, YAY!!!

I do have a small right ParaOvarian cyst which causes me mild discomfort, its a small odd pinching sensation on the right. Well over the weekend I developed left ovarian pain, the same oinching discomfort which i have felt in the past with my ovarian cysts. I though it was strange since it did not appear that I had any cysts on my left ovary a few weeks ago during an ultrasound. I DO NOT have any bleeding or fevers or anything else besides the pinching sensation that lasted all day even after taking tylenol. I called the OB on-call on SUnday and she said to take tylenol as this is normal, nothing to worry about if I have no other symptoms.


Well, guess what...I am worried. Does this mean I developed a left cyst??? IS this quite normal? Is there anyone else here that can share their stories with me?

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